Complaint ID 91376 — Public Copy
Report generated September 17, 2024 7:53 AM.
On this Page
Status: Approved/Closed
- Complaint Received
- October 10, 2019 8:30 AM
- Assigned Office
- Air Protection Branch
- Complaint Closed
- November 6, 2019 4:37 PM
- Review Comments
- [Not entered]
Nature of Complaint
This company had stated in the beginning they would be burning manure as their product and are burning railroad ties that are soaked in creosote. There are homes close to this plant that have vehicles covered in fallout soot from this, plus the smell coming from the burning ties smell worse than a chicken pit at a chicken house in the middle of summer. At this time they have what I consider a mulch pile that is smoldering and they are watering it down, the supposed effect of this watering down is runoff into Indian creek where the fish are dying and the cattle down stream will not drink from (thankfully). They are running the furnace 24/7 for most of the time and it sounds like a freight train running down Hwy 198 ( This video plays the sound of what we hear all night that a neighbor put on youtube, we live 0.3 mile from there and this video is 0.8 mile from there. They also are using chemicals that has been told that they have no suppression system for and none of the surrounding counties are either. Without those suppression systems this could be a extremely hazardous issue if such a fire gets out. The company has taken to locking the gate and putting a tractor in front of it at night, which the employees will have issues getting out if something happens. They are in violation to what they promised, have disrupted many lives and put lives in danger with the fallout, smell and noxious gases that are being released into the atmosphere in our area. I am also worried as my mother has COPD and I am afraid this plant will make her breathing worse. It is also extremely hard to sleep at night since the sound is so loud that all you hear is this roar.
- Primary Concern
- Air Quality Control
- Secondary Concern
- [Not entered]
Complaint Location
- Location of Complaint
- 34.368637 / -83.333342
- City of Complaint
- Carnesville
- County of Complaint
- Franklin County
- Source Name
- GRP Franklin Renewable Energy Facility
- Facility ID Number
- [Not entered]
Source Contact
- Contact Name
- [Not entered]
- Source Address
- 3465 Hwy 198
Carnesville, Georgia 30521
Follow-Up Investigation
5‑Nov‑2019 by Pierre Sanon
10‑Oct‑2019 by Pierre Sanon
(Attachments may not be available for complaints resolved before April 2018. Please note that not every complaint has attachments.)